
Triumph Dining Grocery Guide

Friday, December 14, 2012

So here's my big secret...

DOH! I typed the date wrong. It's the DEC. 20 issue, just in time for Christmas. Now I know I haven't gotten enough sleep lately!

Keep your eyes peeled for the DEC. 20 "Last Minute Gift Guide" in the South County Independent and the North○East Independent newspapers. Yours truly has been allowed to write an article with my gift picks for the Twelve Days of Christmas, celiac-style.

I've had a lot of fun interviewing several local businesses, putting together a list of gifts that I believe would be good choices for someone with celiac disease. I hope you get a chance to check it out and leave me some feedback. You can comment here on this page, or you can post a comment to either my CeliacGirlRI FaceBook page, or to either of the Independent newspapers FaceBook pages (search for South County Independent or North○East Independent). You can even leave a comment on the website if you wish.

If you enjoy the article, let the papers know, so hopefully we'll get the chance to publish more GF information.

So that's why I haven't posted that much the past week or so. I've been busy in the community, talking to people for my article. Hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

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